
Blindsave Protection Vest


Blindsave Protection Vest.

BLINDSAVE protection vest is the best goalie vest available from the well known soft material. Like the protection vest with rebound control it also has improved protection in the parts where goalie makes the most saves. Actually it has also the same design just there are used different materials and of course there is no rebound control function which is really highly evaluated by pro goalies.

Blindsave made this vest because still there are some goalies who have never tried out the protection vest with rebound control and are a little bit sceptic about spending more money for amazing protection vest with rebound control!:) Also there are some goalies who prefer soft vests. Still this protection vest will provide you all necessary protection, comfort and freedom of movement. Also it is a little bit lighter than protection vest with rebound control.

Features of BLINDSAVE protection vest:
– Improved protection – it has thicker and better protection comparing with other brands soft vests.

– High level of comfort – makes feeling goalie comfy in any situation while goaltending.

– New design – the same design like protection vest with rebound control that provides full protection for goalie.

– Lightness – light product which does not restrict any movement.

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